Your book will elevate your
personal brand - effortlessly.

Let’s make it happen!

You know those nonfiction books you flip through in anticipation, only to be disappointed.

Books with pages filled with big words, confusing ideas, and tangled explanations. The kind where the author seems like s/he ‘knows their stuff’, but every paragraph reads like they’re struggling to say what they really mean.

Let’s not forget those books riddled with spelling mistakes, grammatical blunders, and a lack of clear structure – all of which leave you thinking, “This person is so unprofessional. There’s no point wasting my time with this.

You don’t want a book that’s anything like those!

What you want is a book that educates your readers in a way that makes you stand out in their minds as an authority in your field.

One that amplifies your voice, grows your reach, and multiplies your impact in the world.

That’s the kind of book that deserves to have your name engraved on its cover and I’m eager to help you to finally get it done.

Whether you're an...

expert who wants to become a recognized authority in your field, an entrepreneur who wants to attract better clients, or a writer who’s ready to become a published nonfiction author, I’ve got the training and tools to help you.

Write a life-changing book you're proud of in weeks, not years

– without the struggle.

Ifeoma Nwekwo with her book

Ghostwriting Service

You’ve already decided to write a nonfiction book that impacts lives and elevates your personal brand. But you’ve got one or both of these problems:

  1. You’re so busy juggling your many responsibilities that you don’t have enough hours in your day to write, and
  2. Although you’re an expert in your field, it’s way easier for you to talk about your ideas, than it is to write about them.

Take a deep breath, because in just 12 short weeks, your brilliant ideas will be transformed into a book manuscript that sounds like you.

And the best part? You won’t need to type a single word.


1:1 Book Coaching

This is for you if you want clarity and a customized strategy to either:

  1. Write your book yourself in a way that positions you as an authority in your field and makes your readers scream your praises everywhere, or
  2. Plan and execute a successful launch that creates a buzz around your new book and gets it in front of a larger audience (even though you don’t have a large following on social media).

This will also give you access to training and tools that’ll save you from blindly copying other people’s strategies (you’re not sure will work for you).

Ifeoma Nwekwo

Professional Editing

If a well-written book will elevate your personal brand, then a poorly written one will sink it. That’s why you need a pro editor to transform your manuscript into a masterpiece.

Let’s ensure your book has a clear message, a coherent structure, and a compelling narrative – with no typos and grammatical errors of course.


Leave your readers thinking "Everyone needs to read this too."

Ifeoma has an innate talent for writing that is truly remarkable. She can take complex topics and ideas and distill them into clear, concise, and engaging content that captures the reader's attention from the very beginning. Work with her and you'll save yourself from needless worries and mistakes.
David Rarum Johnson
David Johnson
Software Developer
"Ifeoma has been an invaluable asset in several writing projects. Her writing and editorial guidance during the final phases of my last two nonfiction books were truly commendable. You'll be glad you worked with her on your next book."
Dr. Olusegun Steve Ogidan, mni
Steve O. Ogidan, PhD, mni.
Member Forbes Business Council
On the call with Ify, I felt like I had known her all my life. She was very open and warm. I also learnt a lot that gave me the much needed clarity and direction to write my book. I'm so excited about this book and I can’t wait for her to read it when I'm done.
Kimberly Benson
Kimberly Benson
RN BNSc. Nurse & YouTuber

You made it all the way down. Nice.

Writing a nonfiction book is like creating an asset that’ll enrich your life forever. It’s also a significant personal achievement that only a few bold visionaries attain.

As one who continues to enjoy the dividends of reaching this milestone, I’ve bundled all my skills and experiences till date to help experts like you finally strike off ‘Publish my book‘ from their bucket lists.

Let’s work together to craft a book that boosts your credibility so that you can leave a lasting impact and legacy.

Ifeoma Nwekwo


Frequently Asked Questions

No. My services do not cover fiction books, textbooks, children’s books or cookbooks. Because I’m laser focused on serving experts who want to amplify their message with a nonfiction book, I’m better able to serve them without being pulled in 500 different directions.

No, I take great care in selecting which authors to work with. Firstly, because I can only accommodate a limited number of ghostwriting/ 1:1 coaching clients and secondly because I can only work with authors who:

  1. Are subject matter experts with proven results and,
  2. Have a clear purpose for writing a book.

This is why the process for working with me begins by filling a Pre-qualification form.

If the answers you provide in this form are satisfactory, I’ll schedule a FREE Clarity call with you when we’ll discuss your book idea, purpose, and goals.

Finally, if I’m convinced we’re a great fit, we’ll proceed; otherwise, I’ll decline your request.

Yes. You retain complete ownership of the copyright to your book. I’m simply amplifying your expertise, experiences, and awesomeness. There’s no way I can take credit for all that.

Since a book establishes you as an authority in your field, it can lead to various income opportunities.

 You can sell your book, create online courses or workshops (based off of the content in your book), attract better clients, generate leads for your business, launch a business, attract paid speaking opportunities etc.

Writing a book is no small task so it’s natural to feel fear or uncertainty.  

How about you find out exactly what it is about writing your book that’s intimidating you or making you afraid? Then tell me about it when you decide to work with me.

As long as you’re clear about what’s making you afraid, I’ll be able to provide tailored support so you’ll overcome that emotional barrier that’s trying to hinder you from making progress.