It's time to

Receive the thoughtful, expert coaching you’ve been yearning for, so you can confidently write a nonfiction book that impacts lives and elevates your personal brand.

Ifeoma Nwekwo

Establish your author-ity. Impact more lives.

No matter how much educational content there is on social media, there’ll always be a place for well-written nonfiction books.


Because some of us get tired of being overstimulated. Sometimes all we want is to be educated and inspired without being distracted by ads, notifications, clickbait, auto-play videos, and…you get the point 

So if you’ve ever wanted to reach more people with your message by writing a nonfiction book, stop holding back!

Your people are out there waiting to be transformed by your wisdom. 

Plus, there’s a world of opportunity that opens up to the author(ities) who can boldly say “Hi, I wrote this book and it’ll change your life.” 

"Ifeoma has been an invaluable asset in several writing projects.
Her writing and editorial guidance during the final phases
of my last two nonfiction books were truly commendable.
You'll be glad you worked with her
on your next book."

Steve Olusegun Ogidan PhD., mni
Member Forbes Business Council

Just imagine a life filled with more....


You've gone from being knowledgeable about a subject to becoming 'known' for your expertise.


You've done the work once and now you're reaching more people with your message.


You've faced your doubts and unlocked the courage to do those other great things you've been longing to do.

Signs you're a good fit for my 1:1 nonfiction book coaching

  • You’ve had a book idea for quite some time, but now you want thoughtful support and guidance to write a brilliant nonfiction book that aligns with your vision.
  • You have so many book ideas, but you’re not sure which will best serve your readers and spotlight your expertise.
  • You’re ready to be recognized as a go-to expert in your field, and can’t afford the trial-and-error approach in writing your book. You’re seeking guidance to nail your book’s positioning from the get-go.
  • Your book is (almost) ready, but you’re too scared to launch. You want a customized strategy and some gentle handholding so you can plan and execute a book launch without feeling weird and salesy.
  • You need professional recommendations and feedback regarding your book formatting, cover design, self-publishing options, and launch strategy.

You need a proven plan for writing or launching your nonfiction book.

It’s that simple.

You’ve invested years into honing your expertise. Your book must not be mistaken for one written by an amateur desperate to make a quick buck. 

No. No. No.

Your book should also be the reason you’re getting invited to speak at events, attracting better clients, featured on podcasts, and receiving thank you messages from strangers who are super glad they got a copy.

But none of that will happen if your message is unclear, your book structure is incoherent, or your book launch a massive flop.

How it works


Once you’ve booked for our time together, I’ll send you my calendar via email so you can claim your 4-week spot.


Before our first call, I’ll send you a Pre-Session Questionnaire that’ll help us both prepare for our very first meet.


During our calls, we’ll dive into your goals and set milestones. I’ll also provide you with a custom Strategy document. This will guide your author/book launch journey, ensuring clarity and progress from where you are to where you want to be. 

No more confusion or overwhelm.


Get feedback on what you’ve done so far and gain the confidence to keep crushing the key milestones that lie ahead.

What you'll get

  • Pre-Session questionnaire
  • Four, 1:1 coaching calls (1-hour per week)
  • Customized strategy document
  • 6-Months access to Book Positioning Launchpad
  • Personalized recommendations
  • 30 Days unlimited email support

They say...

Ifeoma has been an invaluable asset in several writing projects. Her writing and editorial guidance during the final phases of my last two nonfiction books were truly commendable. You'll be glad you worked with her on your next book.
Dr. Olusegun Steve Ogidan, mni
Steve Ogidan, PhD., mni
Member Forbes Business Council
On the call with Ify, I felt like I had known her all my life. She was very open and warm. I also learnt a lot that gave me the much needed clarity and direction to write my book. I'm so excited about this book and I can’t wait for her to read it when I'm done.
Kimberly Benson
Kimberly Benson
RN BNSc. Nurse & YouTuber

Your next step

one payment
$ 300

Pre-Session questionnaire

Four, 1:1 coaching calls (1-hour per week)

Customized strategy document

6-Months access to Book Positioning Launchpad

Personalized recommendations

30 Days unlimited email support

Is 1:1 Book Coaching For You?

Yes if...

No if...

Ifeoma Nwekwo

I see you made it all the way down here. Well done!

Writing a nonfiction book is like creating an asset that'll enrich your life forever. It's also a significant personal achievement that only a few bold visionaries attain.

As one who continues to enjoy the dividends of reaching this milestone, I've bundled all my skills and experiences till date to help experts like you finally strike off 'Publish my book' from their bucket lists.

You don't have to waste time 'Googling' tired tips and tricks or prompting ChatGPT without a strategy.

You shouldn't keep procrastinating on your author goals because you have no clue how you'll translate your message into a book readers are eager to read and excited to rave about.

Neither should you feel scared about selling a book you know will change people's lives.

Bring your questions, struggles, and frustrations. I'm here to help you crush this!

You deserve...


Articulate your message, know who it's for, and what to say so they'll know you get them.

Customized strategy

Know exactly what steps to take and in what order to crush your current author goals.

Creative guidance

Get expert recommendations so you don't waste time and effort by copying others blindly.

Your next step

one payment
$ 300

Pre-Session questionnaire

Four, 1:1 coaching calls (1-hour per week)

Customized strategy document

6-Months access to Book Positioning Launchpad

Personalized recommendations

30 Days unlimited email support


Frequently Asked Questions

A wise person once said “It’s better to be a year early than a day late.” If you want to write a book that elevates your personal brand by multiplying your impact and visibility, make this investment so you know you’re doing the right things in the right order.

Yes, but as your editor (not your book coach). Click HERE to learn more about my book editing offer.

The only ways you can work with me are listed HERE on my website. Because I’ve streamlined my offerings, I’m better able to serve my clients without sacrificing my sanity.

The moment you thought about it!

I work with only Three – 1:1 coaching clients  at a time and the slots are on a first-come, first-served basis.

Best to expect a 1 or 2-month waitlist. 

Not a problem! Tell me all about it HERE. OR if you prefer to chat, send me a DM on Instagram with a specific question about being your book coach. I’ll be waiting with answers 🙂

No I don’t. Please have clear goals for our time together. Also be prepared to invest time and effort into applying all that you’re required to do. Thanks