How to write your nonfiction book

How to Write Your Nonfiction Book When You’re Not a Writer

Many people dream of writing a book someday, but not many do it.

Some don’t because they’ve never thought about what it’ll take to make their dream a reality.

Yet, some put off writing their book because they keep thinking to themselves;

I’m not a good writer. How could I possibly write a book?

If you’re in the second category, I’d like you to see this piece as my little way of showing you what you can do, starting today, to write that book you’ve been wanting to write.


I thought so too.

Sit quietly with yourself. get rid of distractions and grab a notepad and a pen or open up a note-taking app on your phone and answer the following questions:

  • Why do I want to write this book?
  • What do I want my book to be about?
  • Whom do I want to help with my book?
  • What will change in my reader’s life/mindset after reading my book?
  • 5 years from now, what kinds of opportunities do I want my book to bring my way?

Answering these questions will help you gain clarity and unearth inner motivation.

Research shows that we can do the most remarkable things if we have a strong sense of purpose and a burning vision of the future.

Your book can change your life in more ways than you can imagine. I know because I’m a self-published author myself.

It can impact lives, boost your credibility, take your message to places you’ve never been, attract press features, help you make a career pivot or even start a new business, and so much more.

But like any worthwhile endeavour, it’ll require your commitment.

Your answers to the questions above will help determine if you’re ready to commit to the process.

Once you’ve decided what your book will be about, who it’ll be for and what problem(s) it’ll solve for them, the next thing to do is create an outline.

Make a list of all the questions your ideal reader has about the topic of your book. Write down every question you can think of.

Your outline is like a map that’ll guide you to serve your readers by providing expert answers to the questions they’re already asking. People want answers to their questions and solutions to their problems. This is one way you ensure you’re focused on what your reader wants, not just what you’d like to write about.

Wait. Before you say “But Ify, I already told you writing was the problem.”

Believe me when I say that – if you can talk, you can write.

Your problem is not that you can’t write, but rather that you’ve got little (or no) confidence in your ability to write in a way that others would find enjoyable.

They’re not the same.

So like I said before, write. Answer each question you’ve written in your outline honestly. Write everything that comes to mind and don’t edit until you’ve finished writing everything you’d like to say.

If the sight of the cursor blinking on your screen terrifies you, then use the audio recording app on your phone. Pretend you’re talking with a friend and answer each question out loud.

Answering like you’re having a friendly conversation will make your writing sound more natural and enjoyable to your reader.

Even the best writers get help.

As John C. Maxwell says “One is too small a number to achieve greatness.” Use AI software to edit. Use Google to do more research. Hire an amazing book coach if you need one.

You’ll also need to work with an excellent editor, a book formatting expert, a graphic designer and a printer to transform your manuscript into a well-researched, excellently written and beautiful masterpiece your mentors praise, readers love and critics admire nonetheless.

And if you don’t want to write at all, you can hire a credible ghostwriter to prepare a manuscript your editor would enjoy reading and editing

Worth remembering…

Your nonfiction book can form a part of your legacy.

Your book can be one more way you impact the lives of people you may never meet, living in places you may never visit.

It can be the reason why someone decides to think better, act better or become better.

But you’ll never know the difference your book will make in your life and the world – until you write and publish it.

Get my FREE Self-published Author Blueprint so you learn my 10-step process for going from ‘book idea’ to ‘self-published expert’ without confusion or overwhelm.

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