Ready to multiply your impact & visibility?

Get your FREE Author Blueprint so that you can write and self-publish a nonfiction book that transforms lives & positions you as an authority in your field.

Imagine your life after you've published your book

  • Your ‘dms’ are filled with messages from strangers sharing how your book changed their lives.
  • You’re booked to speak at virtual and physical events for the next 3-months. 
  • You’re attracting dream clients and opportunities you didn’t know existed.

This can be YOUR reality.

You only need to decide NOT to let your book idea die in your diary.

Ifeoma Nwekwo with her book
Ifeoma's book is so excellent in content and delivery that I am tempted to say I couldn't have done a better job myself as regards the subject matter. Deep truths are communicated in a simple, matter-of-fact, hilarious way by someone who has 'been there, done that,' and is in many ways 'still there and doing that' with wisdom that could only have come from above. Every single person- whether male or female absolutely needs to read this book.
Laju iren
Laju Iren
Best-selling author & Book coach

I'm here to help you

You’re the light of the world, not the light of your office. Now’s the time to package your light (i.e. your expertise, experiences, and exposure) into a nonfiction book that’ll impact the lives of people you may never meet, living in places you’ve never been.

Stop thinking, “I can’t do this just yet,” “I’m such a horrible writer.” Writing and self-publishing your book will effortlessly elevate your brand and multiply your impact in ways you don’t expect.

I know this, because my own book took me from being the best-kept-secret in my office, to launching a live event & a business, becoming a speaker at conferences,  and even led me to the love of my life.


Ifeoma Nwekwo

As seen on

Your book will change your life

but you'll never know until you publish it

Write a nonfiction book that serves & sells

In this 11-page ebook you’ll learn:

  • The No.1 mistake most experts make when they self-publish a book and how to avoid it

  • The easiest way to write a book when you’re not a writer

  • The right way to use AI as an author (so you don’t sound robotic and inauthentic)

  • My 10-step process for going from ‘book idea’ to ‘self-published expert’ without confusion or overwhelm

and much more.

Ifeoma Nwekwo